South African Public Health Preventative Medicine Association

Public Health Medicine registrars are medical doctors that have completed 48 months of supervised training in a health service environment at a municipal, hospital, district, provincial environment having gained practical experiences in the following domains of public health medicine: Health measurement and informatics; Social sciences; Occupational health; Communicable diseases; Environmental health; Non-communicable diseases; and Organization, development and management of health care.

The details of the programme is available in the College of Public Health Medicine of South Africa website

Following documents provide more detailed information:

FCPHM(SA) Blueprints 64.21kb
FCPHM(SA) Guidelines 219kb
FCPHM(SA) Portfolio 204kb
FCPHM(SA) Regulations 204.14kb

 For joining a PHM registrar programme, please contact following academic institutions:

The SAPHMA Registrar group would like to provide additional training materials to support the registrars in PHM. Please join the SAPHMA (by filling the membership form) LINK to access them:

  • Algorithms for management of Non-Communicable diseases
  • Algorithms for management of Communicable diseases
  • Dictionary of terms used in the FCPHM Syllabus
  • Prevention of commonly occurring diseases in South Africa


The SAPHMA proposes to institute a Diploma in Preventive Medicine of the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa to be recognised by HPCSA. The purpose of this Diploma is to encourage postgraduate training in preventive medicine among medical doctors and to raise the standard of clinical preventive practice. It is envisioned that the Diplomats in Preventive Medicine of the CMSA will have the knowledge and skills in comprehensive clinical preventive medicine and able to understand and apply the principles of the preventive component of clinical services at primordial, primary, secondary and tertiary levels.

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